January 2015 Income

Thanks to a special dividend from Ventas of $4.79 that I was not expecting, I was able to just break $100. January is my lowest dividend collecting month as BAX, CSCO, GE, and O only provide the meaningful contributions. DIS also pays this month but only contributed $2.62 since it is still such a small position. DIS only pays annually every January so eventually my DIS dividend will help bring up the January dividend payout.

In total, I received $100.14 in dividends for January 2015. Last January I received $60.83 so this year is an increase of 64.6%. Not too shabby. Also, while my average is well over $100/month, it is cool to see that I will now no longer have any month that I make less than $100 in dividends.

Options: I don’t have any currently open put options.

Symbol Dividend Amount Shares Bought @ Price
BAX $16.04 0.2232 71.8576
CSCO $20.47 0.7506 40.48
DIS $2.62 N/A N/A
GE $46.78 1.9236 24.3187
O $9.44 0.1803 52.3634

Total dividends for January 2015: $100.14
Total cumulative dividend income for 2015: $100.14
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $3,702.65

Total option income for January 2015: $0
Total cumulative option income for 2015: $0

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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9 Responses

  1. Pretty awesome to be permanently in the triple-digits! 2015 will be my first year with the same accomplishment, and I’m excited for it. $100 can cover quite a few things, so to be looking at things in multiples of that amount is pretty special.
    writing2reality recently posted…Bonus Coverage: My Dividend Growth PortfolioMy Profile

  2. Ryan says:

    Congrats on a good start to the year, Scott. My month will be a little lower than you were last year, so it’s inspiring to know what’s possible in that time frame. Best wishes!
    Ryan recently posted…Quick Hitters: Four Financial StocksMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Ryan. With how much you’ve been investing lately, you’ll catch up to that monthly amount in no time! Your monthly goal of investing $1750 is awesome. There’s a ton of great deals out there that I’d love to participate in but can’t right now.

  3. Congrats on hitting the $100 mark. The 64% rise since last year is very commendable. I didnt realize that DIS pays only once a year…..thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    Best wishes
    Roadmap2Retire recently posted…Recent SellMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks! I’m holding DIS more for the growth potential. The fact that they pay a small dividend is just a bonus. However, I do wish they paid quarterly…the dollar-cost averaging would work a little better that way.

  4. DivHut says:

    Congrats on breaking the $100 mark for a traditionally low dividend income month. Always great when those special divs get deposited and you didn’t even expect it. Nice YOY dividend income growth as well. That’s the fun part of watching your dividend income rise with each passing year and you can compare and see your real progress. Thanks for sharing.
    DivHut recently posted…Keep Your Goals And ResolutionsMy Profile

  5. Nothing like adding another 0 to a number. You will be to the 1000 mark in no time flat since you are contributing to your accounts. In the early years, the contributions played such a huge role in pushing my numbers higher. Good trades and dividends helped quite a bit also.

    Nice job.

    Keep cranking,

    Robert the DividendDreamer
    dividenddreamer recently posted…Am I Crazy?My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks! Yep. Contributions will be for awhile still the major reasons for increasing dividends. It will be fun when the dividends themselves eventually come to a sizable amount in their own right.

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