February 2015 Income

February has traditionally been not that big of a dividend payout month. However, mostly thanks to AAPL, February isn’t too shabby anymore. Also, compared to last February, I also own two additional stocks which pay in the February quarter, CAT and O.

In total, I received $279.47 in dividends for February 2015. Last February I received $144.77 so this year is an increase of 93.1% year-over-year.

Options: I don’t have any currently open put options.

I apologize for the infrequent updates. I do have a few new investment ideas to discuss shortly but, due to being more busy than usual at work, haven’t had a chance to expound on them yet. I’ll try to get those updates out as soon as I can.

Of note, I’ve received $379.61 so far in 2015. This amount over two months is greater than what I received the entire year in 2011!

Symbol Dividend Amount Shares Bought @ Price
AAPL $159.06 1.2608 126.1589
CAT $35.00 0.4191 83.5179
KMI $75.65 1.7987 42.0579
O $9.76 0.1889 51.6594

Total dividends for February 2015: $279.47
Total cumulative dividend income for 2015: $379.61
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $3,817.07

Total option income for February 2015: $0
Total cumulative option income for 2015: $0

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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8 Responses

  1. I’m still amazed at the size of your AAPL position. Any thoughts or considerations to piecing this off into other positions, or are you just going to let it ride?

    Looking at your F12M Dividends, you’re going to see such a huge jump from last year’s dividend total – pretty excited for you in this regard. There will be quite an acceleration of income for you over the next couple of years as things start to take on a life of their own. Keep it up!
    writing2reality recently posted…Trades – February 2015 Loyal3 Portfolio PurchasesMy Profile

    • scott says:

      W2R, I was initially a little worried about the size of AAPL relative to everything else in my portfolio. I’m still bullish on Apple and even if their growth slows down, they are now paying a dividend. So I’m apt to just let it ride. Rather than redistribute that money elsewhere, I’ve decided just to slowly add to my other positions to balance it out that way.

      It will be exciting to watch the forward 12-month dividends grow. Thanks for visiting!

      Update: Haha. Less than a month later and I decide to sell a portion of my AAPL position and diversify.

  2. A 93% increase is fantastic! Keep up the great work. That sure is a huge position in AAPL 🙂

    Roadmap2Retire recently posted…Chatter Around the World – 85My Profile

    • scott says:

      R2R, Thanks! It would be nice if AAPL paid a bit more of a dividend, but I think that will be coming some time in the future.

  3. Ryan says:

    Great looking month, Scott. I’m with W2R… those forward dividends are really sticking out, holy crap you’re becoming very rich 🙂 Hope work isn’t too stressful these days and you’re able to relax a little bit here and there. Wishing you a great week ahead!
    Ryan recently posted…My Dividend Growth’s One Year AnniversaryMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Ryan! With your insane monthly savings and regular investing you are quickly catching up! It will be awesome to see that dividend income grow. Imagine the day when you can turn off dividend reinvestment and instead direct the incoming dividends to buy full lots of stocks.

      Thanks for the well wishes and hope you have a great week too!

  4. DivHut says:

    Great looking month for a traditionally slow dividend paying one. Great YOY increase as well. Guess those dividend seeds planted last year are bearing fruits today. Looking forward to your next update.
    DivHut recently posted…March Stock ConsiderationsMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, DivHut. Who said dividend investing isn’t fun? It’s these YOY increases that really show its power. Thanks for visiting!

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