December 2015 Income

Another year is over and it sure went by quick! Total dividend income for December 2015 was $483.47. In December 2014 I received $363.79; in December 2013, I received $265.71; and in December 2012, I received $243.78.

Options: No current open options. See my options page for further details.

Symbol Dividend Amount
ADM $16.24
AFL $25.28
AVA $52.78
BMS $14.74
BP $39.19
CCP $2.85
CVX $72.75
EMR $21.46
HRS $25.60
IBM $2.05
JNJ $62.57
KO $29.35
O $10.23
PGX $1.73
TGT $28.82
TROW $9.55
UL $5.15
V $18.02
VTR $17.18
WFC $32.51

Total option income for December 2015: $0
Total cumulative option income for 2015: $855.70

Lending Club interest for December 2015: $20.92
Cumulative Lending Club interest for 2015: $162.68
Lending Club Adjusted Net Annualized Return: 6.23%

Total dividends for December 2015: $488.05
Total cumulative dividend income for 2015: $4308.25
Total cumulative passive income for 2015: $5326.63
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $4947.65

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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9 Responses

  1. TI,

    NIIICE! Big 30%+ growth it looks like year over year this month. Obviously a lot of oil in total from companies, but it is all good, especially if you are reinvesting. Keep it up and let the dividends keep rolling in!


    • scott says:

      Thanks, Lanny! 30% growth is awesome. It will be fun to see how long that kind of growth can be kept up! Here’s to more volatility in 2016 to help us acquire our favorite companies at a discount.


  2. Brent @ AAI says:

    Solid December! I love the increases each and every year. It shows what persistence will accomplish with a DGI portfolio, it just keeps going up each year. Keep up the good work!

    Any plans for some options trades? I’m thinking of buying some puts in oil stocks but I’m a little late to the party to short oil.

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Brent! It is very exciting to watch the increases. Keep up the good work yourself!

      As far as options, I will be selling more puts this year. It’s not only a good way to generate income, but also allows you to pick the price that you want to buy it at. It looks like it will be a good year to pick up some deals on stocks, particularly oil, for good or for bad!

  3. DivHut says:

    Love how you compare your Dec. divvy income year after year after year and how it only grows year after year after year 🙂 I guess that’s why we are dividend growth investors. Lots of names in common between our portfolios for the month. Nice to see a lot of overlap. Keep at it and look forward to following your dividend income progress throughout 2016.
    DivHut recently posted…Recent Stock Purchase January 2016My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, DivHut. The dividend income increases are nice to see but my portfolio value is way in the red so far this year. A good buying opportunity, I’d say. I look forward to following your progress as well!


      • DivHut says:

        Red is just a color 🙂 Just make sure, as best you can, that you are buying stocks with sustainable dividends. That’s really what matters. I have been through this before in 2008/9 and saw every holding, from top to bottom, in the red. I didn’t sell. Didn’t panic. Just kept making monthly buys as I always have. Even during those “dark” days I only experienced 3 divvy cuts with GE, WFC and IR. I held each and bought more. Not too bad considering at the time I had about 40 stocks which all raised their divvys during that time.
        DivHut recently posted…Getting Defensive With Defense StocksMy Profile

        • scott says:

          Thanks for the advice! Always good to hear from people who survived 2008/2009. For good or for bad, I didn’t have anything invested until 2011. Prior to that I owned a few ETFs/mutual funds and a couple stocks (GE, KO) but had to sell everything to help pay for medical school.

          I’m definitely not planning on selling. I have had to deal with somewhat panicked text messages from work colleagues complaining how much their accounts are down and how their wives want them to sell and get out of stocks! I’ve had to reassure them that selling now is exactly what you don’t want to do, especially when they have the ability to buy even more!

  1. January 11, 2016

    […] Two Investing – $483.47 – Whoa, whoa, OKAY, Okay.  I see ADM, AFL, EMR, JNJ, KO and TGT in there.  AKA some big dividend aristocrats, some that us Diplomats love.  Heck, that covers Bert’s watch list and the majority of his five “Always Buy” stocks.  Great overall spread as well across quite a few companies, and great triple digit $ growth from last year this month.  You are poised to a great 2016 for sure. […]

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