February 2016 Income

In total, I received $319.36 in dividends for February 2016. Last February I received $279.47, giving me an increase of 14% YOY.

I’ve received $463.64 so far in 2016.

Options: I currently have a put open on BA expiring January 2017.

Lending Club: $18.16 in interest

Symbol Dividend Amount
AAPL $194.83
CAT $39.82
KMI $22.25
O $10.74
PGX $1.72
T $50.00

Total option income for February 2016: $0
Total cumulative option income for 2016: $1,169.97

Lending Club interest for February 2016: $18.16
Cumulative Lending Club interest for 2016: $36.77
Lending Club Adjusted Net Annualized Return: 7.07%


Total dividends for February 2016: $391.43
Total cumulative dividend income for 2016: $463.64
Total cumulative passive income for 2016 (dividends, interest, options): $1651.77
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $4704.95

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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19 Responses

  1. DivHut says:

    Another great month of passive income from a variety of sources. It seems like I don’t read as many P2P lending updates as I used to among our fellow bloggers. I wonder if it’s less popular these days. Happy to see CAT on your list. Boy did that stock come back strong in the last few weeks. As long as you are seeing a decent YOY increase you can’t complain. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
    DivHut recently posted…Dividend Income Update February 2016My Profile

    • scott says:

      You’re right. P2P seemed to be quite popular for awhile. I only have $2000 devoted to it, an amount that I’m happy enough with for now. I’ve in LendingClub for about a year now and have earned a little over 7% interest when the losses from people not paying are factored in.

      I review of my experiences with LendingClub after a year might actually make a good blog post.

      CAT has been really strong lately. It makes me wish I had bought more of it when it was cheaper!

      Thanks for commenting and have a great weekend as well.


  2. Adam - IWTRS says:

    Very nice! I like the improvement YOY as well. Almost at $5k annual is awesome! Congrats!

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Adam. I was actually well over $5k a year in projected annual dividends. Unfortunately, cuts in KMI and BBL really dropped it down. Over time I’ll hopefully get it back up to that level.

  3. TwoInvesting,

    Nice to see positive numbers for YOY growth. It’s too bad to see the cut for oil as a whole as it’s definitely affected a lot of dividend growth investors. Moving forward we can easily shape up the loss though. Keep it up and move forward!

    -Dividend Monster
    Dividend Monster recently posted…Sold: GAP IncMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Dividend Monster,

      I don’t think anyone anticipated that oil would be staying this low for this long. I don’t know if things are beginning to finally change or what, but the cheap energies prices sure make for interesting value stock plays. If you can stomach buying a company after it cuts its dividend, I bet you’ll do really well in the future.


  4. amber tree says:

    Nice YOY improvement in your dividend income.

    KMI is my only dividend payer this month. My core is indexing, but I allow some room for experiments in my play money.

    The option income looks really nice on the graph.
    amber tree recently posted…Play Money – February 2016My Profile

    • scott says:

      Hi ambre tree,

      Thanks! Sorry to hear that KMI is your only dividend payer this month. The dividend cut hurt me too.

      When you say your core is indexing, are you in a traditional market-cap weighted index or did you go the route of the “smart beta”/ fundamental ETF indices? I’ve been reading a bit about those since I do need more exposure to the small-cap and international/emerging markets.


  5. Keep it up Scott. You’re doing awesome. Don’t stop and keep it up. One day, looking back, you’re be thankful that you started this awesome journey. I’m sure of it. Take care.

    • scott says:


      Thanks man! I’ve seen progress even in the couple of years that I’ve been blogging about this stuff. Even if no one read my blog, I’d probably keep doing it for my sake. It is fun to look back through the old stuff and see how far I’ve come. I’m sure many in this community feel the same way!

      Take care,


  6. That monster Apple dividend really took you to the next level.
    Captain Dividend recently posted…February Dividend UpdateMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Definitely. Apple’s dividend will have to make up for the loss of most of KMI’s dividend, at least for the short term here! I bet we’ll see another announcement from Apple regarding a dividend increase and additional buybacks pretty shortly!


  7. Forward dividends of almost $5k. Very impressive sir!
    Investment Hunting recently posted…February 2016 – Dividend UpdateMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks! Almost $5k now but actually well over it a couple of months back before the cuts from KMI and BBL. Hopefully I’ll get back to that level soon despite those huge cuts! I guess that’s why you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.


  8. Vivianne says:

    Great month! February is a slow month and you racked up $350, nice work! Can’t wait to see your result next month.

  9. alex says:

    Is there any direction or website that you prefer for lending club i would like to get some exposure there as i see some bloggers do it as well !

  10. Hey Scott,
    Thanks for the post! Those are some great looking numbers. Keep it up.
    Take care

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