2017 Goals

Now that the recap of my 2016 goals is complete, I can get around to discussing goals for 2017.

Goals for 2017:
1) Retirement Accounts.
As always it is best to invest fully and as early as possible into tax advantaged accounts. This goal is to max out my Roth IRA as soon as I can. Last I did last year, this will involve first contributing into a non-deductible traditional IRA and then doing a conversion into a Roth.

2) Receive $7000 a year in dividends.
This may be kind of a stretch. I’m currently receiving $5400 a year. At a 3% yield I’ll have to invest a little over $53,000 to bring my current dividends up to the goal level. Investing this much over the course of a year shouldn’t be a problem. The problem will investing it soon enough in order to receive the dividends in 2017. I’ll definitely get up to $7000 a year in 12-twelve month forward dividends.

3) Get $3000 this year in options income.
In 2016 I received $1125 and that was only in 3 months. If I can meet this goal and the dividend goal, I’ll have generated $10,000 in 2017 in passive income.

4) Improve Two Investing layout and content.
While I’m not going to be changing the site’s theme, I am getting my brother to help with designing a site title and logo. One of these changes can already be seen in my gravatar icon when I comment. But, there will be more similar changes on the way.

Additionally, I’m hoping to write a minimum of three posts a month. It’s been difficult keeping the content fresh with the challenges of a new job. But, the job also has afforded me the ability to invest more in stocks and trade options each month. This alone will allow me to write quite a few new posts. I’m also looking forward to continuing my educational series on options trading.

5) Invest at least $10,000 in smaller cap growth companies.
From a capital gains perspective, my growth investments have done great. While I still want the majority of my portfolio to be dividend oriented, ultimately it all comes down to total growth, be it from dividends or capital gains. And, in some respects, capital gains may be even the most tax advantageous since the taxes are only paid once by the company and then delayed by the investor until he sells. Dividends, meanwhile, are taxed at a good tax rate but are still taxed each year.

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9 Responses

  1. Jay says:

    Thanks for the update on your new goals. I love the $10K investment income goal. I’m watching all you guys make a lot of consistent income selling options and need to start seriously considering! Also, I wrote an article recently about small cap stock picking that may be of interest.
    Jay recently posted…Trend Following Trade Ideas January 2017 Part 5My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Jay. I’m reading your guide to small cap stock picking right. It is very good. Will comment soon.


    • scott says:

      Excellent article on trading small cap stocks. Very informative. I had no idea all the things that you could screen for on FinViz. Is there a way to comment on your site, Jay?


  2. Great list of achievable goals – I still have to post my goals for 2017 but I think 12 month forward dividends as a goal is a great idea as I like to continue investing every week throughout the year. One of my things is definitely to learn more about options trading so that will be fun to follow. Keep it up and look forward to your future posts!

    The Dividend Mogul recently posted…Week 3: Loyal3 – Recent Buy (UL)My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks for commenting TDM. Looking forward to seeing your goals for 2017. Some of the dividend bloggers I follow also quote an hourly amount for their dividend income. I guess they must factor in a typical 40 hour work week or something to get the hourly salary. Definitely not super accurate but an interesting figure none-the-less.


  3. Great list of goals, do you have the small caps in mind that you want to invest in or is on your watch list. I have KINS on my watchlist.
    Dividends 4 Future recently posted…January 2017 UpdateMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Hi Dividends 4 Future,

      Thanks for commenting. I’ll do a post soon with an update of some of my small cap picks. Some, like NAK, have done great. (I’m up over 300% on that since September.) I don’t have a list that I follow or watch. Most of my small cap picks are from companies discussed on Frank Curzio’s podcast (http://www.frankcurzio.com). He runs a very interesting and informative twice-weekly podcast. I’ve been listening to him for over 5 years now.


  4. amber tree says:

    That are nice goals for the year.
    I look forward to read on your options income

    • scott says:

      Thanks, amber tree! I love discussing options. Hope to get Johnny writing on here again too. He’s the guy that introduced me to them!


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