July 2017 Income

July 2017 brought in $311.14 in dividend income. As shown on the graph below, this isn’t one of the higher paying months, but the year-over-year trend is still good — a 71.8% increase from last year.  I’m also up to over $8000 in 12-month forward dividends. And, my dividend worker will be bringing in 95 cents per hour if he works non-stop 24/7. Pretty cool.

My dividend income is fairly highly concentrated in just a couple of these, namely GE. I’ve really liked GE as shown by several recent purchases (the latest in July, which I have not written about yet). While I would like to continue to diversify, GE remains incredibly attractive at the $25 price range. I may not be able to resist buying more and getting my share count to an even 10 lots (1000 shares). This high number of shares will be great for any future call selling.

Options: See my options trading page for more details. I have an open put in GILD, which is nearly worthless now but I’ll just let expire in the 18th of August. While I have decent commissions with Schwab, it still can’t compare to the no closing cost that I get at tastyworks.

Symbol Dividend Amount
BAX $5.18
CSCO $33.89
CY $27.72
DIS $7.86
GE $189.35
KO $34.52
O $12.11
PGX $0.51

Total dividends for July 2017: $311.14
Total cumulative dividend income for 2017: $3677.14

Forward 12-Month Dividends: $8325.37
Hourly wage based on 40 hour work week (2087 hrs): $3.99/hour
Hourly wage based on non-stop work (8760 hrs): $0.95/hour

Total option income for July 2017: $87.99
Total cumulative option income for 2017: $565.89

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

16 Responses

  1. Richard says:

    This is awesome, “my dividend worker will be bringing in 95 cents per hour if he works non-stop 24/7”. Just think how great it will feel when your “dividend worker” is making $15/hr 24/7.

  2. Fantastic increase over last year. I don;t think July is a huge month for anyone.
    Investment Hunting recently posted…Recent Options Activity – Profit of $450My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks! Yep, a lot of spikes and dips in dividend income secondary to companies favoring the same quarters to pay out. It will be more of a big deal if (when) I am able to live on just the dividends. It will just involve some budgeting but shouldn’t be too hard.

  3. Doug says:

    Awesome year over year. And a good dividend you brought in. Your 12 month forward dividends will hit 10,000 soon if you keep doing what you are doing
    Doug recently posted…July DividendsMy Profile

  4. Your YoY-growth and 2017 forward dividend income are impressive, congrats! You are building a strong ever growing cash generation machine, working for you non-stop. Keep it up.

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Financial Shaper. It really is amazing looking back to 2011 where I was just starting. The fact that it is working non-stop is pretty cool.

  5. DivHut says:

    Great job for the month of July. GE really did do a lot of the heavy lifting for the month. I agree that it continues to look enticing at current levels especially with some near term uncertainty. Awesome year over year progress too. Keep up the good work.
    DivHut recently posted…Dividend Income Update July 2017My Profile

  6. Dan says:

    Great job, and I really like the 95 cents 24/7 analysis. That’s hilarious! Keep it up! July was a record for me but we’ll see what happens next month,
    Dan recently posted…Mid-Year Financial Goals Update!My Profile

    • scott says:

      Dan, that’s one of my favorite stats too! Doesn’t seem like much, but it is cool knowing that that guy works for me even when I sleep. He works harder and harder each month too. Pretty incredible. 🙂

  7. Jay says:

    Congrats on another great month. The year-over-year progress is always great to see. Looks like you’re on track for a great year of investment income!
    Jay recently posted…How Do You Trade Through Earnings Announcements?My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Jay. Yep, things continue to go well. Excellent article on trading during earnings announcements. I’ve found that it is a good way to trade options if done smartly. Premiums are typically really nice!

  8. Um yeah, I would say a 72% year over year increase is great. Congrats Scott! I love your $.95 per hour comparison as well. That total will only go up from here. keep it up my friend.


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