September 2017 Income

September has always been one of the higher paying months, and this month was no exception. In fact, I set an all time record for me… $1226.75. This is a 66.7% increase from last September. My rent for the month was basically all paid by dividends! This was the second month ever to break $1000. At the moment, I’m on track to have four months in 2018 break $1000.

I’m also up to $5351.89 for the year. This is $300 more than I received all of last year.

Cumulative lifetime dividends received since start of this blog in 2011 is $17,783.81.

Options: I collected $127.98 in options premium this month. See my options trading page for more details.

Symbol Dividend Amount
MGMXF $2.05
ADM $19.53
AFL $27.65
AMGN $102.75
AVA $60.70
BAC $48.90
BHP $112.67
BMS $16.47
BP $45.87
CVX $30.22
DBD $15.00
EMR $51.10
GILD $91.40
HRS $30.34
HSY $20.40
IBM $103.34
JNJ $126.23
KR $31.39
NAVI $42.80
O $12.20
PGX $0.65
TGT $124.77
TROW $11.05
UL $6.62
V $21.50
VTR $35.61
WFC $35.54

Total dividends for September 2017: $1226.75
Total cumulative dividend income for 2017: $5,351.89

Forward 12-Month Dividends: $9,100.62
Hourly wage based on 40 hour work week (2087 hrs): $4.36/hour
Hourly wage based on non-stop work (8760 hrs): $1.04/hour

Total option income for September 2017: $127.98
Total cumulative option income for 2017: $779.86

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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22 Responses

  1. 66% increase over last September is awesome! That’s a solid month and it’s great to see that this month shoots you past the 5k mark for the year!

  2. Scott, Nice looking portfolio and performance. Long several stocks in this portfolio with JNJ being one of my larger. Some other interesting names I need to consider.
    Thanks for the update. Tom
    Tom @ Dividends Diversify recently posted…U.S. Utility Sector: Should You Invest Now?My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks for the comment, Tom! Looks like an interesting blog you have as well. Always fun to see what other dividend investors are purchasing these days.

  3. Great work, Scott! Wow, over $1,200, with at least 5 paying you $100+. Your monthly income is truly picking up some steam. It’s awesome that you’ve already eclipsed last year’s dividend total. Now you’ve got 3 months to push the bar higher for 2018. Happy to see a fellow HSY owner, too… don’t see too many.
    Engineering Dividends recently posted…Monthly Dividend Income (Sept. 2017)My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks for the comment, Engineering Dividends! Yeah, the investing really starts to get fun when it starts picking up steam like this. I agree not too many HSY owners in this community. Happy to find another one!

  4. Jay says:

    Amazing job! That year-over-year growth in investment income is quite impressive. And well done on your second four-figure month! Keep up the great work and look forward to the snowball continuing to grow for you.
    Jay recently posted…Free Trend Following Trade Ideas For October 2017 (Part 1)My Profile

  5. Nice man! Thats awesome when the roof over your head is covered by dividends. You are killing it. Keep it up.
    Passivecanadianincome recently posted…September 2017 Passive Income 559% Gain!My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks for the comment, Passivecanadianincome. So far I’d be able to live where I live now only 3 maybe 4 months of the year and would have to starve to do it. It’s progress but still have quite a ways to go!

  6. Hey TI,

    wow, a 66% increase is really cool!! Congrats on your all time record… 5350$ for the year in Sep is fantastic too. Keep going and you’ll have 10k for the year in 2018…
    My September came in as 483$ and i’m happy with that. The yoy increase was 24%.


    • scott says:

      Hey DividendSolutions,

      Thanks for the comment. I’m close to get $10k in forward dividends, but I’ll have to really push it over the last couple of months. I’m a little worried that GE will cut its dividend, substantially cutting my income. However, if they do cut, I’ll be buying more since I think the restructuring that the new CEO is doing will pay dividends, so to speak, in the future. So many people are talking bad about GE on the CNBCs and Fox Businesses of the world that maybe this is the perfect opportunity to add more.

  7. This is awesome. We have a lot of the same companies too. I can’t wait until my Visa pays me over $21/quarter! Keep it up, it’s inspiring!

    • scott says:

      Dividend Dozer, You’ll get there eventually. While Visa pays a small dividend yield, it has been raising the dividend rapidly and can afford to keep those raises up for years to come. I just wish I had purchased more Visa a few years ago before it increased by around 100%.

  8. Congrats on your great month. Hitting many milestones and records. At least three I counted. Still a few months left this year to to so you can break even more records! Thanks for sharing.
    Dividend Daze recently posted…Portfolio Optimization 2017My Profile

    • scott says:

      Dividend Daze,

      Thanks. I have to let my new job take a lot of the credit. It has significantly helped my portfolio advance in dividend income and overall growth.

  9. Amazing Scott…just amazing. Congratulations on the great month, the 66% increase, and the new record. That is how you kick some serious butt right there.

    Dividend Diplomats recently posted…5 Benefits of Getting Rid of your “Stuff”My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks for the comment, Bert. The setting new records is fun. I’m actually hoping for a bit of a market correction so that the invested money buys more shares. I may actually take another look at GE. They are already my second largest position, behind AAPL, but I may add some more as everyone else seems to be running away from it lately.


  10. Doug says:

    Good job thos 1000.00 a months really start to snowball I’m going to be close to 1000 a quarter soon. I will have that snowball going. 66 percent increase is awesome. Keep it up
    Doug recently posted…Sept 17 DividendsMy Profile

  11. DivHut says:

    Congrats on the all time record being set with an impressive year over year increase too. Stay on the path my friends. Always inspiring to read these updates.
    DivHut recently posted…What To Consider Before You Buy A StockMy Profile

    • scott says:

      DivHut, Thanks for commenting again! I’ve been busy with work and girlfriend but haven’t slowed with the investing. Just haven’t had much time to blog or respond to comments, unfortunately. Being beaten down from long evenings on call hasn’t helped. I’m free this weekend and hoping to get some serious updates in on the site.


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