May, June, and July 2019 Dividend Income

I haven’t completely forgotten about the site! Here are the final dividend numbers from May, June, and July 2019:

May: $747.24 (versus $941.96 in 2018)
June: $1813.02 (versus $1389.52 in 2018)
July: $704.93 (versus $314.30 in 2018)

Total cumulative dividend income for 2019: $6,473.64

Forward 12-Month Dividends: $15,818.34
Hourly wage based on 40 hour work week (2087 hrs): $7.58/hour
Hourly wage based on non-stop work (8760 hrs): $1.81/hour

Total cumulative option income for 2019: $0.00

I’ve made a few purchases recently, such as about $8,100 in Ford bringing in $546/year in dividends and $11,700 in ABBV bringing in $663. I also have roughly $91,000 in PGX. This is a relatively stable preferred share ETF that pays a dividend of around 5.37% and pays it monthly (around 0.47%). While I would have liked to invest this money in stocks, I’m going to be needing quite a bit of money for designing and building a house in about 6-7 months. I have also turned off dividend reinvestment and am accumulating cash, also to use for the downpayment.

Lastly, I have put quite a bit of work recently in the Dividend Stock Portfolio Tracker spreadsheet. IEX changed their API recently and it stopped working. I made some updates and it seems to be working much better now. I’ll be writing a new blog post about that soon.

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10 Responses

  1. Nick says:

    Thanks man and congrats on the house

  2. That’s fantastic. Earning $1.81 an hour even when you’re sleeping. That’s great.
    Buy, Hold Long recently posted…July 2019 Net Worth (+5.59%)My Profile

  3. Doug says:

    Good job. Thats a great dividend haul not just for the quarter but for the year. keep it up
    Doug recently posted…Dividend Raise MPWMy Profile

  4. Terrance Austad says:

    Dividend spreadsheet Still not working So Sad

    • scott says:

      Terrance, what isn’t working? Your comment does not help me figure out what is wrong. Did you update to the latest version?

      • Terrance says:

        This is the API token code that was given to me by IEX
        this could be the problem as try as i might I could not get a token that begins with pk.
        Hope this helps as without this the program is a DNR.

  5. Johndeo says:

    Hey, what strategies do you use? Can you share it so that I can test it? Thanks
    Johndeo recently posted…An amazing way stocks compound interestMy Profile

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