May, June, and July 2019 Dividend Income
I haven’t completely forgotten about the site! Here are the final dividend numbers from May, June, and July 2019:
May: $747.24 (versus $941.96 in 2018)
June: $1813.02 (versus $1389.52 in 2018)
July: $704.93 (versus $314.30 in 2018)
Total cumulative dividend income for 2019: $6,473.64
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $15,818.34
Hourly wage based on 40 hour work week (2087 hrs): $7.58/hour
Hourly wage based on non-stop work (8760 hrs): $1.81/hour
Total cumulative option income for 2019: $0.00
I’ve made a few purchases recently, such as about $8,100 in Ford bringing in $546/year in dividends and $11,700 in ABBV bringing in $663. I also have roughly $91,000 in PGX. This is a relatively stable preferred share ETF that pays a dividend of around 5.37% and pays it monthly (around 0.47%). While I would have liked to invest this money in stocks, I’m going to be needing quite a bit of money for designing and building a house in about 6-7 months. I have also turned off dividend reinvestment and am accumulating cash, also to use for the downpayment.
Lastly, I have put quite a bit of work recently in the Dividend Stock Portfolio Tracker spreadsheet. IEX changed their API recently and it stopped working. I made some updates and it seems to be working much better now. I’ll be writing a new blog post about that soon.
Thanks man and congrats on the house
That’s fantastic. Earning $1.81 an hour even when you’re sleeping. That’s great.
Buy, Hold Long recently posted…July 2019 Net Worth (+5.59%)
Good job. Thats a great dividend haul not just for the quarter but for the year. keep it up
Doug recently posted…Dividend Raise MPW
Dividend spreadsheet Still not working So Sad
Terrance, what isn’t working? Your comment does not help me figure out what is wrong. Did you update to the latest version?
This is the API token code that was given to me by IEX
this could be the problem as try as i might I could not get a token that begins with pk.
Hope this helps as without this the program is a DNR.
I don’t know about tokens starting with sk. All I know is that it works for me. Without the token, it won’t look up prices, dividend data, etc automatically but you can still enter it in manually.
I’m on call at work now, but I’ll try your token tomorrow and see if I can get it to work.
Thank you
Hey, what strategies do you use? Can you share it so that I can test it? Thanks
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