Author: scott


Updated Investing Spreadsheets

I recently made a few updates to the investing spreadsheets. The current “live” version can be found in my current investment portfolio. The first change is the creation of a dividend calendar. I got this inspiration from Hello Sucker’s Calendar page. This basically gives me a head’s up on the...


April 2014 Dividends/ Option Income

Only four of my companies paid out this April, bringing in a total of $89.10. This is a huge improvement over the zero dollars received in April of 2013 and 2012. You’d have to go back to April 2011 to see the $16.99 from when I first owned GE. I...


Paper Trading Resources

I can’t promise this is a comprehensive list, but it is what I’ve found so far. If there’s any that I forgot to include, please let me know in the comments section below. I personally can vouch for paperMoney. It is a system affiliated with the thinkorswim options trading platform...


What is PaperTrading?

Paper trading is a way to practice different investment strategies without risking real money. Before the advent of the Internet, traders/investors used to record their practice trades in paper on a notebook. These dinosaurs would check the daily Wall Street Journal and then pull out the calculator or slide rule...


Getting Started in Real Estate

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to invest in any stocks. This mostly has been due to the fact that I’ve had a lot of expenses related to my radiology education: books, conferences, travel/hotels, etc. Fortunately, I will be getting reimbursed for most of these expenses and then will...


The debate that stopped NYSE trading

Michael Lewis, author of The Blind Side and The Big Short, just released a new book entitled ‘Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt.’ I have yet to have a chance to read it but it has already stirred up a ton of debate about the concept of HFT, or high...


March 2014 Dividends/ Option Income

March was a great month for dividends with 12 of my companies paying out. In March I received a total of $258.07. This is a 149% increase from the $103.64 I made in 2013. I made $59.46 in 2012 and $22.57 in 2011. This is the exact kind of trend...


AMZN Bull Vertical Put Spread

As much as I love writing about the winners, you can’t have those all the time. So goes the case with a recent bull vertical put spread on Amazon (AMZN). Three days prior to option expiration, I decided to pull the trigger and give another credit spread a try. My...


Citigroup Bull Vertical Put Spread

On my dough account I purchased a bull vertical put spread on Citigroup (ticker symbol C). According to Schwab, this strategy consists of simultaneously purchasing and selling put options at the same expiration date but different strike prices. The bull-version of this strategy is profitable for an upward movement when...


The Next Frontier?

No, I’m not talking about Star Trek, though Virgin Galactic and other commercial space ventures are definitely very cool. On a side note, I’m hopeful that in my lifetime we’ll have colonies on the moon. I’m talking about new advances in medicine…specifically, applications of genomic medicine. The self-described goal: “to...