Category: Investing


September 2015 Income

September has historically been one of the higher payout months. Total dividend income for September 2015 was $635.77, an all time single month record! In September 2014 I received $312.11; in September 2013, I received $186.88; and in September 2012, I received $87.42. I like the trend that I’m seeing!...


Mid September Purchases

On 9/4/2015 I bought-to-close two LEAPS on JCP with a strike price of $5. These were set to expire on Jan 15th, 2016 and were in the money, since JCP stock was over $5. I purchased these LEAPS for 4.58 each on 3/7/2014. My hope was that JCP would not...


A Few Comments About the Market

This post is going to be two things: short and kind of random. I don’t know how we ended up talking about this, but yesterday one of the staff physicians at work basically told me to be scared of the market. His theory, supposedly verified by the recent market drop,...


August 2015 Income

For those that care about day-to-day values of their portfolio, August was not a great month. Overall, I finished down about $9-10,000 compared to the end of July. However, I’m just staying the course and trying to buy more, if I can. Unfortunately, high expenses in Chicago limit my investments...


AAPL Covered Call Options

I’ve been starting to put in some options trades again and I wanted to finally let you guys know. I currently have around 324 shares of Apple. While I love Apple products and like them as a stock, that is around 26% of my dividend portfolio. Ultimately I’d like to...


July 2015 Income

Even July, which historically hasn’t been that big of a dividend payout month, contributed $172.88 this year. This is a 73% increase from last July. The big reason is that I own quite a bit more of GE than I did last July. I also received 31 shares of Baxalta...


Next Adventure in Life

I haven’t been updating the site as often as I once did but hope to change that soon. I just wanted to take this opportunity to explain the next stage in my career. Over the past 5 years I’ve spent one year in Iowa and 4 years in Wisconsin. Those...


June 2015 Income

Sorry for the late June update. It seemed that not too long ago July had just started! I just moved to Chicago for work and have been busy getting settled here. I’ll post an update about that soon. Also, a new update is coming about another investment idea that I’ve...


“Clean” Version of Dividend Portfolio Tracker

I’m excited to let you guys know about an update to my dividend portfolio tracker. I’ve had a few people ask for my help in editing the spreadsheet to get their own stocks to show up. In helping these people, I realized how difficult it can be to get everything...


May 2015 Income

Well, it is that time again. Time to review my dividend investing strategy. While I don’t worry about the short term fluctuations of the portfolio and could very well just do a full review at the conclusion of each year, part of the reason why I like doing this review...