Category: Investing


August 2017 Income

These months are going fast! August, while not usually one of the higher paying months, turned out pretty good this year thanks to excellent dividend payouts from Apple and AT&T. In total I received $448. This is a 60.6% increase from last August. So far I’ve received $4,125.14 in 2017,...


Latest purchases — DIS, DBD, GE, LB, TGT

It’s been awhile since I provided an update on my latest dividend stock purchases. The market over the last month or so has continued to provide good entry points into several good companies. Here are my latest purchases from mid-July through the end of August: On 7/11/2017, I opened a...


6-Month Check-Up

Wow! It already more than half way through the 2017 year. Things have been going great. I started my new official job a little over one year ago. It is going great! I also met a great girl in the cities. Life is going well but is going by so...


July 2017 Income

July 2017 brought in $311.14 in dividend income. As shown on the graph below, this isn’t one of the higher paying months, but the year-over-year trend is still good — a 71.8% increase from last year.  I’m also up to over $8000 in 12-month forward dividends. And, my dividend worker...


Latest stock purchases — AT&T and Kroger

My latest two purchases are additional shares of two companies that I already own. On 5/30/2017, I purchased 200 shares of AT&T. While this slightly increases my cost basis, I feel that this is still a great entry point. AT&T is transitioning from being a slow growth telecom company functioning...


June 2017 Income

While I didn’t quite get another $1000 month, I came close. June 2017 brought in $984.55. This is a 57.5% increase from June 2016. My anticipated June 2018 income today is $1057.34 and that is even if I don’t add any further investments. Options: I collected $0 in options premium...


May 2017 Income

May 2017 continued the trend of year-over-year dividend increases for me. Secondary largely to added investments, my year-over-year dividend income increased by 52.7% to $632.02. My option income was also up a lot (from $0 last May to $142.98 this May). The dividend increase is mostly due to a huge...


5 financial metrics you should ignore when investing

This is a guest post from Troy at Market History. After reading the post here, be sure to check out his site. He has some excellent insights and analysis. Every stock has a ton of financial metrics to look at. Most investors focus on a few that are the most...


April 2017 Income

While April isn’t historically among the highest paying months, I did continue the trend of year-over-year dividend increases. April 2017 brought in $315.54. This is an increase of 81% compared to last April, which brought in $174.28. While I had a slight dip in year-over-year dividend income early in 2017,...