Category: P2P Lending


September 2016 Income

September has historically been one of the higher payout months. Total dividend income for September 2016 was $735.76, an increase of 15.7% over last September. Total dividend income for September 2015 was $635.77 and in September 2014 I received $312.11. I like this trend! Options: None currently open. Symbol Dividend...


Optimal Asset Allocation

Like many of you here, you’re probably taking advantage of the excellent portfolio tools available for free at Personal Capital. If you haven’t, I recommend you check it out. It is kind of like Mint but with more of a focus on investments. Once you get more than $100,000 in...


February 2016 Income

In total, I received $319.36 in dividends for February 2016. Last February I received $279.47, giving me an increase of 14% YOY. I’ve received $463.64 so far in 2016. Options: I currently have a put open on BA expiring January 2017. Lending Club: $18.16 in interest Symbol Dividend Amount AAPL...


January 2016 Income

2016 was a rough start for stocks! Seems like nearly all of my stocks are lower. For dividend investors, though, the situation is not too bad. Lower stock prices just means that we can buy more shares and that our dividend reinvestments have more oomph. This January I received $144.28,...


December 2015 Income

Another year is over and it sure went by quick! Total dividend income for December 2015 was $483.47. In December 2014 I received $363.79; in December 2013, I received $265.71; and in December 2012, I received $243.78. Options: No current open options. See my options page for further details. Symbol...


November 2015 Income

In total, I received $391.43 in dividends for November 2015. Last November I received $236.24, giving me an increase of 66% YOY! This includes only receiving $1.30 from CAT (versus $54 last quarter); the reason for this is that I sold CAT and then bought it back in order to...


October 2015 Income

October hasn’t been one of my high payout months, but it still came in respectably at $163.81. This is up 63% from last year but is actually down slightly from its most recent quarter in July. This can be attributed to the fact that the spinoff combination of Baxter and...


September 2015 Income

September has historically been one of the higher payout months. Total dividend income for September 2015 was $635.77, an all time single month record! In September 2014 I received $312.11; in September 2013, I received $186.88; and in September 2012, I received $87.42. I like the trend that I’m seeing!...


August 2015 Income

For those that care about day-to-day values of their portfolio, August was not a great month. Overall, I finished down about $9-10,000 compared to the end of July. However, I’m just staying the course and trying to buy more, if I can. Unfortunately, high expenses in Chicago limit my investments...


July 2015 Income

Even July, which historically hasn’t been that big of a dividend payout month, contributed $172.88 this year. This is a 73% increase from last July. The big reason is that I own quite a bit more of GE than I did last July. I also received 31 shares of Baxalta...