Two Investing Blog


2017 Year-End Performance & Goal Review

Statistics Beginning 2017 Account Value: $242,093.83 Ending 2017 Account Value: $429,504.78 Net Contribution: $132,539.41 Dividend income in 2017: $7,614.25 Forward 12-month dividends: $9,565.88 Options income in 2017: $779.86 Total lifetime dividend income: $20,046.17 Post-tax salary: $219,438 Effect of dividend increases: $570.58. This is equivalent to investing just over $19,000 at...


Added multiple currency support to dividend portfolio spreadsheet

While not the most exciting of titles, I did just release version 5.1 of the dividend portfolio spreadsheet. Since the loss of the Yahoo Finance API, I had to switch to a combination of IEX and Alpha Vantage to look up stocks. While I’m still trying to figure out all...


December 2017 Income

Total dividend income for December 2017 was $1278.18. This is up 62.7% over the dividend income received in 2016! I had three months this year where I broke over $1000. December’s dividends also bring me up to just over $20,000 in lifetime dividends received (since 2011). I’ll be coming out...


November 2017 Income

Here’s my November 2017 dividend income report. Better late then never. I have actually been away from the computer (and work) the last 12 days traveling with my girlfriend. As such I’ve been slow to update my blog, respond to comments, or comment on the blogs of others. I hope...


I’m seeing red and buying more GE

As I’m sure all of you are aware, General Electric just announced some restructuring and a 50% dividend cut that has not enthused too many investors. Investors nowadays like to see immediate results. A couple of year delay to see the restructuring play out doesn’t sit well with those of...


October 2017 Income

October brought in $491.47 in dividends. This is a massive increase of nearly 175% increase over the $179 that I earned in dividends last October. This increase is largely due to significant investments into GE over the past year. I will continue to accumulate GE at these depressed levels. The...


More details about the new Dividend Stock Portfolio Spreadsheet

Over about the past week I’ve been working on a few big updates to my dividend stock tracking spreadsheet. It is now up to version 5. It is more automated and faster than ever. No more waiting for N/A’s or Loading…   Update #1 The major feature of this update...


Dividend Stock Portfolio Spreadsheet on Google Sheets

Welcome! Thanks for wanting to learn more about my Dividend Stock Portfolio Tracker on Google Sheets. Advantages: Simple and easy to use Lives on Google Sheets, allowing your portfolio to be saved automatically and available on any of your devices Majority of functions are automated Includes a transaction sheet to...


September 2017 Income

September has always been one of the higher paying months, and this month was no exception. In fact, I set an all time record for me… $1226.75. This is a 66.7% increase from last September. My rent for the month was basically all paid by dividends! This was the second...