Tagged: bac


December 2017 Income

Total dividend income for December 2017 was $1278.18. This is up 62.7% over the dividend income received in 2016! I had three months this year where I broke over $1000. December’s dividends also bring me up to just over $20,000 in lifetime dividends received (since 2011). I’ll be coming out...


September 2017 Income

September has always been one of the higher paying months, and this month was no exception. In fact, I set an all time record for me… $1226.75. This is a 66.7% increase from last September. My rent for the month was basically all paid by dividends! This was the second...


Latest stock purchases — AT&T and Kroger

My latest two purchases are additional shares of two companies that I already own. On 5/30/2017, I purchased 200 shares of AT&T. While this slightly increases my cost basis, I feel that this is still a great entry point. AT&T is transitioning from being a slow growth telecom company functioning...


December 2016 Income

Total dividend income for December 2016 was $785.70. This is up 62.5% over the dividend income received in 2015! It is also more money that I received the entire year in 2012. It has been fun to see the portfolio and the dividends get larger and larger. I also received...


Roth IRA Conversions & Purchase of BAC

I usually try to max out my Roth IRA as early as possible each year in order to maximize the effects of compounding. Due to the high cost of living in Chicago this year, I was unable to contribute $5,500 until recently. However, rather than contribute directly into a Roth,...