Tagged: etf


Recent Investing Transactions

With the combination of my brokerage and Roth IRA hitting $30,000, I decided to slightly modify my portfolio allocation from mostly ETFs to mostly stocks with a few ETFs. I sold large portions of SCHV, SCHA, SCHC, and SCHD in order to have the capital to invest directly in individual...


2012 Dividends

Here’s my dividend report for calendar year 2012. This is the second annual dividend report. For a detailed breakdown of the 2011/2012 dividends, please visit: Scott’s portfolio. It has been exciting to see the growth of the dividend payments both as a result of the underlying companies increasing the payouts...


2011 Dividends

This will hopefully get more exciting as time goes on, but here’s my first annual dividend report for calendar year 2011. December is substantially higher because my International Small-cap equity ETF (SCHC) pays annually. Total 2011 Dividends $379.14 or $31.60/month Dividend Growth Year-Over-Year: NA