Tagged: january


January 2018 Income

This January I received $350.94, compared with $156.89 in January 2017. This is an increase of 124%. I also maxed out my Roth IRA this month. In an upcoming post I’ll be talking about the investments that I made with that money. Options: See my options trading page for further...


January 2017 Income

Wow! January 2017 is done already. Time is just flying! This January I received $156.89, compared with $144.28 in January 2016. This is an increase of only 8.7%. It doesn’t seem like much but it is still much faster than inflation. January has typically been my lowest paying month, and...


January 2016 Income

2016 was a rough start for stocks! Seems like nearly all of my stocks are lower. For dividend investors, though, the situation is not too bad. Lower stock prices just means that we can buy more shares and that our dividend reinvestments have more oomph. This January I received $144.28,...


January 2015 Income

Thanks to a special dividend from Ventas of $4.79 that I was not expecting, I was able to just break $100. January is my lowest dividend collecting month as BAX, CSCO, GE, and O only provide the meaningful contributions. DIS also pays this month but only contributed $2.62 since it...