Tagged: july


May, June, and July 2019 Dividend Income

I haven’t completely forgotten about the site! Here are the final dividend numbers from May, June, and July 2019: May: $747.24 (versus $941.96 in 2018)June: $1813.02 (versus $1389.52 in 2018)July: $704.93 (versus $314.30 in 2018) Total cumulative dividend income for 2019: $6,473.64 Forward 12-Month Dividends: $15,818.34Hourly wage based on 40...


March through July 2016 Income Updates

Man, I’m behind! I’m finally getting settled in my new job in Minnesota and decided to finally get going on the blog posts. Believe it or not, I do have a few posts in draft status just awaiting the finishing touches. Updates for the dividend portfolio spreadsheet will be coming...