Tagged: spreadsheet


Added multiple currency support to dividend portfolio spreadsheet

While not the most exciting of titles, I did just release version 5.1 of the dividend portfolio spreadsheet. Since the loss of the Yahoo Finance API, I had to switch to a combination of IEX and Alpha Vantage to look up stocks. While I’m still trying to figure out all...


More details about the new Dividend Stock Portfolio Spreadsheet

Over about the past week I’ve been working on a few big updates to my dividend stock tracking spreadsheet. It is now up to version 5. It is more automated and faster than ever. No more waiting for N/A’s or Loading…   Update #1 The major feature of this update...


Options Tracker Spreadsheet

If you follow Options Hunting you’ll know that I’ve been working on a spreadsheet to track options. Version 1.0 is now complete. It currently works for selling covered calls, selling cash secured puts, and selling naked puts. It will also work for selling naked calls, but I haven’t worked out...


Automatic Estimation of Monthly Dividends for Google Sheets

Please go here to get the latest version of this spreadsheet: Dividend Stock Portfolio Spreadsheet on Google Sheets On my personal dividend portfolio I have a dividend calendar updating automatically as dividends are recorded on the transactions sheet. Here’s what it looks like with only the last couple dividend paying stocks...


Automated Dividend Calendar

The Dividend Calendar is just a table showing you at a glance when all your dividend paying stocks pay out their distributions. Here’s what an older version of the Dividend Calendar looked like: On the old version you had to manually type in the dividends as you received them. I...


International Dividend Portfolio Tracker with Transactions Page

I’ve had a number of people ask me to include support for foreign currencies. This is that effort. The current release is based off of my Dividend Portfolio Tracker version 3.1.2. Click here to access International Dividend Portfolio Tracker spreadsheet You’ll have to click File > Make a copy… in...


“Clean” Version of Dividend Portfolio Tracker

I’m excited to let you guys know about an update to my dividend portfolio tracker. I’ve had a few people ask for my help in editing the spreadsheet to get their own stocks to show up. In helping these people, I realized how difficult it can be to get everything...


Transactions Sheet in Dividend Portfolio Tracker

The major December 2014 update to my Dividend Portfolio tracker added the ability to track stocks and dividends via individual entries on a transactions sheet. Some commenters were asking about how to add new trades on my old version and, I agree, it was not intuitive. In fact, it was...


Update to Dividend Tracker Spreadsheet

I recently read about a cool thing that Passive Income Pursuit was tracking on his portfolio. It is keeping track of the payback period for his dividend stocks. He talks about it on his blog here. Essentially, it just calculates the percentage of invested capital that has been returned as...