Author: scott


Recent Stock Purchase of WFC

I’ve been trying to move away from ETFs and into individual stocks. I still hold SCHA (small cap) and SCHV (large cap value) ETFs, which have been doing great from a capital gains perspective. I maintain approximately $2,000 in each of them right now. As of today, my total cost...


Recent Dividend Increases April/May

Apple (AAPL) recently announced an approximately 15% dividend increase. It will now pay $3.05 per share per quarter (previously $2.65 per share), increasing my annual dividend from $95.40 to $109.80. Chevron (CVX) recently announced an 11.1% dividend increase to $1 per share (previously $0.90 per share), increasing my annual dividend...


Recent Investing Transactions

With the combination of my brokerage and Roth IRA hitting $30,000, I decided to slightly modify my portfolio allocation from mostly ETFs to mostly stocks with a few ETFs. I sold large portions of SCHV, SCHA, SCHC, and SCHD in order to have the capital to invest directly in individual...


Apple’s ‘disappointing’ 4th quarter

Apple had recently announced its 4th quarter 2012 earnings report. Despite posting a record $13.1 billion in profit, Apple’s stock has dropped significantly from its all-time high of around $700. I’m posting a few articles that puts their “disappointing” quarter into some perspective: The $13.1 billion in profit Apple posted...


Financial Goals 2013

For 2013, I’ve decided to document a few financial goals and, at the end of the year, I’ll come back to this and see how I’ve done. 1) Continue to invest the maximum of $5000 $5500 per fiscal year into a Roth IRA. Anything left over will be placed in...


2012 Dividends

Here’s my dividend report for calendar year 2012. This is the second annual dividend report. For a detailed breakdown of the 2011/2012 dividends, please visit: Scott’s portfolio. It has been exciting to see the growth of the dividend payments both as a result of the underlying companies increasing the payouts...


Stay Calm When Markets Are Volatile

Here’s a chart from Charles Schwab’s On Investing that shows that trying to time the market doesn’t really work. Rather, it’s best to constantly invest as much as your finances and situations allow.


2011 Dividends

This will hopefully get more exciting as time goes on, but here’s my first annual dividend report for calendar year 2011. December is substantially higher because my International Small-cap equity ETF (SCHC) pays annually. Total 2011 Dividends $379.14 or $31.60/month Dividend Growth Year-Over-Year: NA


Selling General Electric Stock in my DRIP

I just sold my GE stock today that I had been DRIPing directly through the company. I sold despite the fact that I feel it is a great stock, especially at its current price. (They even just recently raised the dividend to 0.17/share/quarter.) The reason why was that I do...


Yield on Cost and Other Investing Terms

I’ve previously talked about the Dividend Reinvestment and Dollar-Cost Averaging spreadsheets that I made available on Google Docs. Today I made additions to them, including a Definitions sheet describing some of the more technical terminology that I’ve used. As always, remember that I’m trying to do my best to make...