Category: Options


Salvaging a Bad Options Trade

I started trading options about one year ago. In that time, I’ve traded plenty of out-of-the-money, at-the-money, and deep-in-the-money options, all depending on my time horizon and goals for each trade. I’ve certainly had my share of losing trades as well as some profitable ones. More important, I’ve learned an...


March 2014 Dividends/ Option Income

March was a great month for dividends with 12 of my companies paying out. In March I received a total of $258.07. This is a 149% increase from the $103.64 I made in 2013. I made $59.46 in 2012 and $22.57 in 2011. This is the exact kind of trend...


AMZN Bull Vertical Put Spread

As much as I love writing about the winners, you can’t have those all the time. So goes the case with a recent bull vertical put spread on Amazon (AMZN). Three days prior to option expiration, I decided to pull the trigger and give another credit spread a try. My...


Citigroup Bull Vertical Put Spread

On my dough account I purchased a bull vertical put spread on Citigroup (ticker symbol C). According to Schwab, this strategy consists of simultaneously purchasing and selling put options at the same expiration date but different strike prices. The bull-version of this strategy is profitable for an upward movement when...


Options Trading With dough

Update 3/30/2017: tastytrade just released tastyworks, their own options trading platform with $1 commissions and $0 to close. Update: 5/27/2014 There’s very exciting news regarding dough coming within the next few days. Listen from the 40:10 mark on this Talkin’ With Tom and Tony tastytrade video and you’ll see what...


My First LEAP Option Purchase

A LEAP stands for “Long Term Equity Anticipation Security.” It basically is the purchase of a stock option with an expiration period a long ways in the future. Some of the benefits of the LEAPs include a high delta (for in-the-money options) and a very, very small theta. Johnny could...