April 2014 Dividends/ Option Income

Only four of my companies paid out this April, bringing in a total of $89.10. This is a huge improvement over the zero dollars received in April of 2013 and 2012. You’d have to go back to April 2011 to see the $16.99 from when I first owned GE.

I did not have any option income this month. As soon as my radiology board exam is done I’m hoping to devote more time to generating additional option income.

Symbol Dividend Amount Shares Bought @ Price
BAX $14.80 0.2017 73.36
CSCO $20.00 0.8513 23.49
GE $28.61 1.0706 26.72
KO $25.69 0.668 38.45

Total dividends for April 2014: $89.10
Total cumulative dividend income for 2014: $552.70
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $2229.28

Total option income for April 2014: $0
Total cumulative option income for 2014: -$178.14

Full disclosure: Long BAX, CSCO, GE, KO

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2 Responses

  1. DivHut says:

    I always love seeing other dividend portfolios and the income they generate. That’s one thing about this blogging community. The transparency. Thank you for sharing your dividend income with us. Look forward to seeing your May results. Keep at it keep feeding the dividend beast!

    • scott says:

      Thanks for visiting, DivHut. I just added your site to my blog reader. It’s fun to find another site to read. May results are coming soon.

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