Automated Dividend Calendar
The Dividend Calendar is just a table showing you at a glance when all your dividend paying stocks pay out their distributions.
Here’s what an older version of the Dividend Calendar looked like:
On the old version you had to manually type in the dividends as you received them. I also highlighted the cells so that you could anticipate what stocks paid each month.
Here’s a glance at the new version, which is live now on Google Sheets:
As with the rest of the spreadsheet, the orangish colored cells are user editable. The light green cells contain formulas, which can be overridden by the user if desired.
Use of the automated Dividend Calendar (found under the DivCalendar sheet) is very simple.
First step is to choose the year that you want the dividends displayed. Just type in the year or choose the year from the drop down as indicated by the red arrow. I’ve pre-populated 2010-2025, but this can be changed as needed.
Second step is to type in the ticker symbol or pick it from the drop down as indicated by the red circle.
And that’s it. Any dividend information that is entered into the Transactions sheet with the proper date and is classified as “Div,” will show up under the DivCalendar table. Cells that populate with dividend information will also be highlighted with a slighter darker color of green.
As with the old version, you’ll need to add your own highlights to future months if you want to be able to see at a glance when your stocks pay. The highlights will not appear automatically until the dividend is accounted for under Transactions.
Lastly, I’ve updated the “Next Pay Date,” to include both the day and the month of the next expected dividend pay date.
If you are currently a user of any older version of the stock portfolio tracker and would like to upgrade, the best way would be to grab a fresh copy of the template and to re-type in your stock ticker symbols into the Portfolio sheet. Then, paste the orange highlighted cells from the old Transactions sheet into the new one.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy!!
Nice work. As you know, I use your portfolio tracker. Thanks again for creating it and for the updates.
Investment Hunting recently posted…Good Reads – Series 5
No problem, Investment Hunting! I’m glad people find the spreadsheets useful. I enjoy making them!
Thank you for your continued diligence and selfless service maintaining these Google Sheets. The advice on managing the updates works like a charm and is super simple.
For those of you who are updating please note that there may be small differences in company names after updating on your transaction sheet that will show an invalid data error. This is easily corrected using the drop down in the invalid field to select the updated company name.
For example on my original sheet I had “ABB ltd” in the stock column on the transaction sheet and upon upgrading it had to be changed using the drop down to “ABB Ltd (ADR)” to match the updated portfolio sheet.
You’re welcome and thanks for the tip, Richard!
Nice work! I’m all for tring something out if it makes your life easier. I haven’t tried the product yet, but I’ll have to give it a whirl.
Thanks for putting it together for us!
Hi Bert, Thanks. It’s been a work in progress over the last couple of years. I’m pretty happy where it is now and am just adding improvements here and there. Let me know if you have any suggestions after you try it.
so what should we do say if we own a international index is there anyway to add that to the allocation graph ?
Hi Alex,
Sorry about the late reply! Are you talking about the sector weighting graph? If so, you could either classify it as one of the preexisting sectors or add a new sector called “international index,” or something similar, to the Lists sheet (which is hidden by default). Let me know if you need more help. Thanks!
And how would you go about adding that to the sheet and also adding it to the pie chart
You would add it first to the List sheet. Then add it to the list of sectors that the pie chart uses for its data beginning at cell N58.
Nice work! The best free dividend portfolio tracker available!
Thanks guys,
Thanks, Rusty! It’s been a fun project to work on over the last couple of years. Let me know if there’s any suggestions to make it even better. BTW, I’m getting an Error 522 Connection Timed Out when trying to get to your site. It says that my browser and Cloudflare server is working but the host ( has an error.
THe spreadsheet is what I always was looking for!. Do you know if anyone has transferred to this via excel? I have problems with google and would love to have it in the excel format. Thanks for any comments!!
Hey John,
Thanks! What kind of problems are you having? Unfortunately, the spreadsheet uses several functions that are specific to Google Sheets and would not be easy to transfer over to Excel. I’m sure it could be done, but I just don’t have the time to try and build it and maintain it.
You can export it to Excel and open it up and see how much of it works. I know for sure that the stock price and dividend lookup stuff won’t work.
Thanks for your comments, Scott. I thought maybe another reader might have transferred it to excel and would be willing to share. I have to say, its the best dividend tracker I’ve seen so far. Guess I will have to try and figure it out. Thanks!
There’s a lot of smart readers here who may have done that. Hopefully they follow these comments and could help you out.
Let me know if you find anything and I’ll post it on the site.
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the tracker it is just what I have been looking for. I have been using it for about a month on my Chromebook and everything has gone just fine. Over the last three or four days it has been loading very slowly and the update with Google Finance has been taking for ever. I was wondering if any changes had been made to the program recently?
Hi Chet, Glad you find be tracker useful. No changes on my end. Google must be doing some changes on their end. Give it a day or two and hopefully it will start working faster.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
I was wondering if you guys are still having trouble with your spreadsheets – for the past couple of days, my spreadsheet won’t load at all. Do you think this is a Google problem? I have sent reports to Google but still no word.
Hi JM,
I’m having issues with mine here too. Hopefully Google fixes it soon.
Hi JM,
Part of the problem may be the link to the Yahoo Finance API. The latest version of the spreadsheet implements the changes. More information can be found here.
C3 cell is the only one with a formula in the C column, is it right?
Congratulations for the last updates, I’ve my portfolio updated and it works great.
Also I’d found attractive to add a horizontal total column on the right (column Q for example) for the stocks and not only the vertical one for the months.
Thanks a lot as usual.
I have been reviewing your spreadsheet and it looks great. When trying it out I could not get the Dividend Tracker page to fill in any data on dividends or shaded months when dividends were due. Probably a Google/Yahoo conflict. Also, as far as suggestions, how about adding an X-dividend date column to the sheet.
After reading your documentation more closely, I see what I needed to do to get the sheet to work. So this was my error.
Great work! I love the spreadsheet
Divi Cents recently posted…Dividend Income – February 2017
I just copied over the new formulas on the ReferenceData tab for pulling IEX data, but results show #NAME$, the error given is “Unknown function: IMPORTJSON.” I was never able to gerthe old formulas to work either although they clearly work on your sheet. Any idea how to resolve? BTW -Been use the manual entry to track things and really like this tool overall. Thanks.
Did you copy the scripts into the script editor in Google Sheets as well?
Hello Scott,
I have copied your portfolio and dividend tracker, which looks great by the way. I also connected with importsjon, but I am not getting the dividends in tab ‘Dividend Calender’ and ‘DividendPayoutCalc’. I must be doing something wrong, but I failed to see it.
Screenshots look nice. I tried to download the spreadsheet, but the calendar doesn’t live there anymore.
I did something similar here:
Hi Torsten,
I updated the link. It is working now:
My ‘pay date’ skips the next pay date, & displays rather the next NEXT pay date. Any thoughts why? For example, my Walmart currently displays 4/2 as next pay date, when it should be sometime in January.
the spreadsheet is awesome. The orange conditional formatting is missing though. I’ll add it on my sheet.
I have used a custom formula: =(MONTH(DATEVALUE(D$2&”1″))=MONTH($C3))
Love the spreadsheet, 100 times nicer then the one i created when i started investing!!
In the ReferenceData section the IEX rows are coming up with #N/A and I have the API Token in the M6 cell
Nice! I’m looking for a way to start tracking dividends automatically in Google Sheets, and your calendar works well as an example.
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