Two Investing Blog


Scott’s Goals for 2014

2013 was a blockbuster year. Largely thanks to a loose Fed policy and low interest rates, stocks were again the best place to put your money. While I can’t expect such substantial gains (up over 30% in 2013), I will continue to invest 100% in stocks for the foreseeable future....


Selfish Anonymous Donations

While I’m not rich, by the fact that I’m living in the United States and have a steady, well-paying job, I do realize that I’m ahead of much of the rest of the world. Some of this is due to living below my means and not getting into huge amounts...


Best Dividend Stocks for 2014

Sometime soon I’ll update my goals and strategies for 2014. In the meantime, The Dividend Guy is offering a Kindle version of his dividend book, 2014 Best Dividend Stock Picks on Amazon. It is a quick, short read and will only be available for free until January 7th, at which...


2013 Dividends & Year-End Performance

With 2013 coming to a close, I thought I’d provide an update showing the performance of my portfolio and growth of dividends. 2013 was another great year to be a bull in the stock market. It was not a “stock picker’s” market…throw a dart and pretty much any sector has...


IPO Investing

As my first post for the Two Investing blog, I thought that I would comment on my recent experiences with Initial Public Offering (IPO) investing. Scott and I first looked into investing in an IPO back in 2004 when Google (GOOG) had a Dutch auction for the allocation of its...


Do I Need to Market Time?

Maybe you just got your tax refund, reimbursed for a large work expense, or finally built up a good amount of cash that you wish to invest. With the Dow Jones at near record highs (16,294) at the time of this post, is now the right time? Should you wait...


November 2013 Dividends

November 2013 Dividends Received Apple Inc (AAPL) – $27.81 Kinder Morgan Inc (KMI) – $55.09 Total dividends received during the month of November: $82.90 In 2012 I received $0 in the month of November, while in 2011 I received $42.90 from BMY. Full Disclosure: Long AAPL and KMI


Recent Dividend Increases Q4 2013

Here’s a list of some recent dividend increases: Aflac (AFL) raised annual dividend per share from $1.40 to $1.48, increasing annual dividend from $82.19 to $86.89. Dividend CAGR: 5.71% BP raised annual dividend per share from $2.16 to $2.28, increasing annual dividend from $108 to $114. Dividend CAGR: 5.56% Kinder-Morgan...


Comments on The Wise Investor Podcast

During drives in the car I usually listen to either talk radio, investing podcasts, or music. Lately it has been mostly talk radio during the morning commute and investing podcasts at other times. When I recently drove to Chicago and Pittsburgh for fellowship interviews I was able to listen to...


Recent Purchase of IBM

On November 8th, 2013 I purchased 12 shares of IBM. I believe it is fairly valued at the moment with a PE 12.49. While it only pays a dividend of 2.11%, IBM has been raising their dividends quite a lot over the last few years. In fact, the 1-year, 3-year,...