June 2014 Dividends/ Option Income

June has been a huge dividend month for me. Last June I made $143.66; this year I brought in $295.02, a 105.4% increase. This amount brings the year total up to $1011.13. Last year I made $1132.01 in total and I am already almost at that 6-months in. I also already beat last year’s annual dividend goal of $1000.

Options have not been so nice to me thus far. I currently have a few options trades running that I hope will be profitable. The few that either expired in June or I had to close at a loss, IWM and NFLX, resulted in a loss of $410. Not great, but I hope to turn that figure around in the second half of the year. I’ve already had good success with my first cash-secured put, LULU.

Symbol Dividend Amount Shares Bought @ Price
AFL $21.97 0.3566 61.60
AVA $47.79 1.5265 31.3076
BMS $13.68 0.3318 41.2346
BP $29.96 0.5886 50.9003
CVX $27.65 0.2206 125.3569
HRS $20.70 0.2712 76.315
IBM $13.27 0.0722 183.8112
JNJ $21.30 0.2053 103.7574
MCD $24.90 0.2455 101.443
O $9.16 0.2096 43.711
TGT $13.51 0.2382 56.7226
V $6.03 0.0287 210.0727
VTR $15.95 0.2504 63.6979
WFC $29.15 0.5706 51.0846

Total dividends for June 2014: $295.02
Total cumulative dividend income for 2014: $1011.13
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $2342.39

Total option income for June 2014: $-419.26
Total cumulative option income for 2014: -$597.40

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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4 Responses

  1. Great YOY increase! I’m not sure what options you have, but you might look at dividend companies you want to own and sell puts. Collect the premium or collect the shares of the company you want to own anyway. Keep up the great work!

    My Dividend Pipeline recently posted…June 2014 Passive IncomeMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, MDP! You’re not doing too shabby yourself. I can’t wait until I get to your level of passive income. Wow!

      As far as dividends, yeah, you’re right. Selling puts for premium and/or selling covered calls is definitely the way to go. The options that I ended up losing money on were verticals and some volatility plays that didn’t work out. I’m hoping the second half of the year goes better!

  2. Scott,

    Great work on your goals at this halfway point. Your passive income is really starting to take off! I like seeing all the different companies that paid, you have a great looking portfolio. Keep up the investing and increasing those forward dividends 🙂

    All my best,
    Ryan @ My Dividend Growth recently posted…Growth Update: June 2014My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thank, Ryan. There’s so many more high quality companies out there that I still need to invest in…just need to get some more money first. 🙂 I’m liking your idea of DE. Cheap PE and plenty of room for growth. The world has got to keep eating, right?

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