December 2017 Income

Total dividend income for December 2017 was $1278.18. This is up 62.7% over the dividend income received in 2016! I had three months this year where I broke over $1000. December’s dividends also bring me up to just over $20,000 in lifetime dividends received (since 2011).

I’ll be coming out soon with my 2017 recap.

Options: See my options page for further details.


Symbol Dividend Amount
MGMXF $1.95
ADM $19.68
AFL $29.09
AMGN $103.39
AVA $61.12
BAC $49.13
BMS $16.58
BP $46.66
CVX $30.51
DBD $27.07
EMR $52.03
GILD $91.99
HRS $30.47
HSY $20.52
IBM $104.40
JNJ $127.03
KR $31.57
KO $35.09
NAVI $115.29
O $12.37
PGX $0.98
TGT $126.11
TROW $11.12
UL $6.75
V $25.46
WFC $35.82

Total dividends for December 2017: $1278.18
Total cumulative dividend income for 2017: $7,614.25

Forward 12-Month Dividends: $9,565.88
Hourly wage based on 40 hour work week (2087 hrs): $4.58/hour
Hourly wage based on non-stop work (8760 hrs): $1.09/hour

Total option income for December 2017: $0.00
Total cumulative option income for 2017: $779.86

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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25 Responses

  1. Great year over year increase Scott. Nice job. Also, thanks for the addition to your blogroll. All the best in 2018 Sir. Tom
    Tom from Dividends Diversify recently posted…6 Steps to Create Your Passive Income Machine (Part 2)My Profile

  2. FerdiS says:

    Happy New Year, Scott!

    Congratulations on your year over year increase of 63% for December — that’s fantastic, and it looks like December was a record-setting month for you.

    I like how you express your Forward 12-Month Dividends as an hourly wage. Mine would be $7.63 right now — not quite minimum wage yet, but I’m working on it!

    • scott says:

      Hi FerdiS,

      Thanks! Yep, December was another record for me but just barely. September was only $52 back. $7.63 is not bad at all for an hourly wage. You’ll be up to minimum wage in no time!

  3. Love looking at those quarter ending month spikes in your chart. Nice work. Glad you ended the year on a good note and a new record month!

    • scott says:

      Dividend Daze,

      Thanks! Yeah, the quarter ending spikes are pretty cool. It has been a great year, both personally, professionally, and from an investing standpoint. I’m looking forward to writing up the year end summary pretty soon.

  4. Steve says:

    Good job Scott, inspiring us all to do the same for sure. Keep up the good work and sharing.

  5. Matthew says:

    Congratulations what a great total. Congrats to you and all the best in 2018.
    Matthew recently posted…2017 Year In ReviewMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Matthew. All the best to you in 2018 as well. I will be writing my 2017 summary pretty soon. Looking forward to reading over your 2017 year in review.

  6. Money Hungry says:

    The 2017 EOQ Month dividends are towering over the 2016 dividends. An extra 7.6k you wouldn’t have in your pocket if you didn’t invest. Congrats on a great year!


    • scott says:

      Money Hungry, the EOQ dividend months are always really fun to do. Each one should well be oven $1000 this year. I so much like reinvesting the dividends automatically that might be hard to start spending that money in retirement years, though that is still quite a few years off. I’m 34 and just started my career.

  7. Stellar December, Scott! Congrats on the monthly and yearly records. So many terrific companies paying you this month, with 5 of them breaking the $100 mark. I will be watching for the annual recap. Take care.
    Engineering Dividends recently posted…Monthly Dividend Income (Dec. 2017)My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Engineering Dividends,

      The quarter ending months are always especially fun to write. The recap as well as some new content regarding cryptocurrency will be coming soon!

  8. DivHut says:

    Wow! Now that’s a total for December. Always nice seeing those four figure months come in. With a bout a dozen names in common paying us both last month it seems that we are pretty much on the same page of choosing where we get our dividends from. Keep it going strong in 2018!
    DivHut recently posted…January 2018 Stock ConsiderationsMy Profile

  9. Jim says:

    Sheets template does not work for ex-date and pay date

  10. That is over a dollar an hour for all your investments, that is fantastic, you are doing so well. Well done to you. I am very jealous. Keep up the great work!
    Buy, Hold Long recently posted…Where to Buy Different Cryptocurrency – A Guide to Buying CryptoMy Profile

  11. MrSLM says:

    Wow that’s a strong total for December, congratulations! Looking forward to seeing how 2018 treats you.
    MrSLM recently posted…Financial Update – December 2017My Profile

  12. Scott – holy smokes. What an amazing month! Your growth over the last year has been great and seeing it laid out in the chart allows us all to take a step back and see all that you have accomplished in a short period of time. Keep on inspiring us all with these great results. 2018 is going to be a record setting year. I’ve got a great feeling about it.


  13. Chris says:

    That’s a nice chunk of change rolling your way for sure. And look at all of the companies that paid you. Even if one cuts a dividend, it will likely only be a small blip on the screen. Onward and upward in 2018!
    Chris recently posted…Is It Time To Take A Bite of Apple Stock?My Profile

  14. That’s a nice December and a solid year for you. Congrats!
    timeinthemarket recently posted…Time in the Market’s 2017 Year in Review ExtravaganzaMy Profile

  15. Doug says:

    3 months over $1000.00 rocks. Im still a few years from that but seeing and reading these posts give me motivation that i will be there. Lots of good companies paying you.
    Doug recently posted…2 dividend raisesMy Profile

  16. Brett says:

    Thanks for the helpful insights. Are you still doing Lending Club? And if so, would you recommend other investors look into it?

  17. Best dividend stocks of 2017 are the most impressive stocks to look at if we are interestet for longterm gain
    Top 10 dividend yielding stock:
    Frontier Communications Corp (NASDAQ:FTR) – 32%
    CenturyLink Inc (NYSE:CTL) 12%
    L Brands Inc (NYSE:LB) 10%
    Garmin Ltd (NASDAQ:GRMN) 7%
    Kimco Realty Corporation (NYSE:KIM) 7%
    HCP Inc (NYSE:HCP) 6%
    Sempra Energy (NYSE:SRE) 6%
    Iron Mountain Incorporated (NYSE:IRM) 6%
    Pitney Bowes Inc (NYSE:PBI) 6%
    Welltower Inc (NYSE:HCN) 6%

  1. July 5, 2020

    […] Two Investing – $1,278.18 – Scott’s dividend income chart over the last few years is incredible.  The slope on your chart is pretty darn steep 🙂 […]

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