April 2015 Income

April isn’t historically one of the higher paying months with only 5 companies paying. I did receive a $36.23 special dividend from TROW, which helped. You’ll note that this wasn’t automatically reinvested as my dividends usually are. I guess that is just a consequence of the special dividend.

My quarterly GE dividends are also not quite as high as they will be shortly. My latest GE purchase happened after the ex-dividend date so I was not able to get the full amount. I’ll be getting around $95/quarter with GE’s current payout but was only able to receive $47 this time.

I received $160.89 in dividends for April 2015 vs $89.10 last April. The really cool thing is that my total dividends received in 2015 add up to $1157.82, more than I received in the entire year of 2013 and nearly half of what I received last year. (And we’re only through the first quarter!) The remainder of 2015 is shaping up to be even stronger.

Options: No current put options in play.

Lending Club: $15.66 in interest

Symbol Dividend Amount Shares Bought @ Price
BAX $16.16 0.2377 67.9869
CSCO $22.79 0.8006 28.47
GE $47.22 1.7637 26.7731
KO $28.63 0.7017 40.8017
O $9.86 0.2003 49.22
TROW $36.23 N/A N/A

Total option income for April 2015: $0
Total cumulative option income for 2015: $0

Lending Club interest for April 2015: $15.66
Cumulative Lending Club interest for 2015: $15.66
Lending Club Adjusted Net Annualized Return: 11.05%

Total dividends for April 2015: $160.89
Total cumulative dividend income for 2015: $1157.82
Total cumulative passive income for 2015: $1173.48
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $4334.59

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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15 Responses

  1. FerdiS says:

    Congratulations on a solid month! Keep up the good work!
    FerdiS recently posted…Recent Buy: Omega Healthcare Investors IncMy Profile

  2. Ryan says:

    Very nice, Scott. Those forward dividend totals are really growing nicely lately and the quality of all those businesses paying you are top notch. You’re doing such a good job, take it easy man!
    Ryan recently posted…Recent Purchase and Analysis of Omega Healthcare Investors (OHI)My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Ryan! Bunch of great articles you’ve been posting too. Will be commenting soon. Keep up the great work! Take it easy. (BTW, we’re starting to get some of your nice weather here in Wisconsin….low 70s this past weekend!)

  3. DivHut says:

    Happy to see your April passive income moving along. Sure it’s not the biggest dividend paying month but there’s still nice YOY progress. We seem to have GE and KO in common. I’ll be posting my dividend income soon. Thanks for sharing.
    DivHut recently posted…May Stock ConsiderationsMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Hi DivHut, I’ll have to take a look at your portfolio and see what I still need to pick up! Looking forward to your dividend income update soon. The YOY progress is always fun to watch. Take care.

  4. Good luck going forward. Your portfolio is growing nicely. I happen to like the GE purchase. I hope you do well with it.

    Keep cranking,

    Robert the DividendDreamer
    AKA — Seeking Dividends

    Follow me on Twitter– Seeking Dividends@DividendDreamer
    dividenddreamer recently posted…I’m No Benedict ArnoldMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Robert! I bet you liked my AT&T purchase too. In fact, I just got my first dividend from T, $47, very nice, but paltry compared to what yours must be! It’s been good to find some nice value still out there. Take it easy!

  5. They all add up. Keep piling it into the stack. It does not matter where you start-It only matters where you end. Good luck.

    Keep cranking,

    Robert the DividendDreamer
    AKA — Seeking Dividends

    Follow me on Twitter– Seeking Dividends@DividendDreamer
    dividenddreamer recently posted…GE’s Move To Become A Leaner Giant – Can It Successfully Utilize The Share Buyback Strategy Followed By Lowe’s?My Profile

  6. DivGuy says:

    Nice progress on the totals! Keep up the good work, dividends will do the rest! 😉


    DivGuy recently posted…Our Itinerary First Draft!My Profile

    • scott says:

      Mike, Thanks! Have a great trip. It sounds incredible. Definitely something your kids will remember for their entire lives.

  7. Tawcan says:

    Every penny adds up. Congrats on having a great month.
    Tawcan recently posted…Recent Buy – TDMy Profile

  8. Seems like you had a pretty great month. Keep building up that dividend income, and eventually it’ll snowball into a large sum!
    Tony @ Inequality Today recently posted…When Does Wealth Inequality Cause Social UnrestMy Profile

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