Tagged: april


April 2017 Income

While April isn’t historically among the highest paying months, I did continue the trend of year-over-year dividend increases. April 2017 brought in $315.54. This is an increase of 81% compared to last April, which brought in $174.28. While I had a slight dip in year-over-year dividend income early in 2017,...


March through July 2016 Income Updates

Man, I’m behind! I’m finally getting settled in my new job in Minnesota and decided to finally get going on the blog posts. Believe it or not, I do have a few posts in draft status just awaiting the finishing touches. Updates for the dividend portfolio spreadsheet will be coming...


April 2015 Income

April isn’t historically one of the higher paying months with only 5 companies paying. I did receive a $36.23 special dividend from TROW, which helped. You’ll note that this wasn’t automatically reinvested as my dividends usually are. I guess that is just a consequence of the special dividend. My quarterly...