July 2015 Income

Even July, which historically hasn’t been that big of a dividend payout month, contributed $172.88 this year. This is a 73% increase from last July. The big reason is that I own quite a bit more of GE than I did last July.

I also received 31 shares of Baxalta from the Baxter spin-off. They just announced a dividend of $0.07/share/quarter, which will add $8.68 in annual dividends. The combination of Baxter and Baxalta dividends still quite doesn’t equal what Baxter was paying before the spin-off, but I’m going to keep both and am hopeful that they’ll increase the dividends back up soon. Passive Income Pursuit has a good article on the BAX and BXLT dividends.

Cumulative dividends for the year are $2,217.49, which is almost equal to all of the dividends received last year. I will certainly bypass last year’s annual dividend by the early part of August.

Options: No current put options in play. I do have a covered call sold on AAPL, which I will talk about in an upcoming blog post.

Lending Club: $19.24 in interest

Symbol Dividend Amount Shares Bought @ Price
BAX $16.28 0.4217 38.6086
CSCO $22.96 0.8282 27.7226
GE $94.78 3.6406 26.0341
KO $28.86 0.7289 39.5942
O $10.00 0.2141 48.7065

Total option income for July 2015: $0
Total cumulative option income for 2015: $0

Lending Club interest for July 2015: $19.24
Cumulative Lending Club interest for 2015: $69.88
Lending Club Adjusted Net Annualized Return: 8.23%


Total dividends for July 2015: $172.88
Total cumulative dividend income for 2015: $2217.49
Total cumulative passive income for 2015: $2236.73
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $4598.25

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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2 Responses

  1. Awesome numbers. Keep that snowball rolling.
    Adam @ AdamChudy.com recently posted…5 Steps to Accomplish AnythingMy Profile

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