November 2016 Income

In total, I received $280.57 in dividends for November 2016. Last November I received $391.43, giving me my first rather substantial drop in year-over-year dividends. However, this also factors in the loss of dividend income from Kinder-Morgan, which I have sold, and the decreased dividend of KKR. Also, it doesn’t count the $442.82 in profit realized from selling options in November. Counting these two together my income for November was $723.39.

I’ve received $4,161.57 so far in 2016, $338 more than I received in 2015 at this point.

Options: One open position. See my options tracker for more details.

Symbol Dividend Amount
AAPL $104.64
CAT $41.09
KKR $38.98
O $11.24
PGX $0.21
RY $32.54
T $51.87

Total option income for November 2016: $442.82
Total cumulative option income for 2016: $849.69

Total dividends for November 2016: $280.57
Total cumulative dividend income for 2016: $4161.57
Forward 12-Month Dividends: $5074.55

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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25 Responses

  1. Great month! You have some great companies paying out this month. AAPL is the only one we have in common, but I’ll be looking to add O and T very soon. The option income is awesome and truly great when comparing just one month to all of 2015.
    Agent Dividend recently posted…Recent Stock PurchaseMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Agent Dividend. AAPL is a good one. A lot of room for the dividend to grow! O and T are also good choices. I’d consider adding O to an IRA since its dividends are not qualified meaning that you’d owe taxes at your income tax rate and not at the more favorable long term capital gains rate.

  2. Jay says:

    Thanks for the update Steve! It’s great that you’re able to supplement your dividend income with options premiums. Also, good call moving on from KMI if you ask me.

    Enjoy your weekend and wishing you a profitable December! 🙂
    Jay recently posted…Why Technical Traders Shouldn’t Ignore Fundamental AnalysisMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Jay! The weekend was fun. And, December is shaping up to be a great month for dividends. I doubt I’ll have as good an options month though… Thanks for the comment.

  3. even if your dividend income dropped comparing to last year its a still great month! you have lots of AAPL! Best wishes
    Happy Healthy and Wealthy Girl recently posted…Loyal3 November transactionsMy Profile

  4. 2I –

    Great month of div income even with a cut and a cut + sell off of KMI. Keep your motivation high and pursuit strong. You got this!


  5. DivHut says:

    Great month even with those pesky cuts. Cuts happen. They happen to all of us from shaky dividend payers to the bluest of blue chips. At least with those options premiums you killed it from an income perspective. Nice seeing CAT up there though I’m not too excited about that payout ratio.
    DivHut recently posted…How has the US Dollar Fluctuated Since Donald Trump’s Presidential Victory?My Profile

    • scott says:


      Yeah, I’m not liking the payout ratio for CAT right now either. However, I’m betting that CAT will be a big recipient of a Trump infrastructure spend and maybe that will help the ratio correct.


  6. FerdiS says:

    Good income with the options income boost! I’m liking it that more dividend growth investors are getting into options… I’ve got lots to learn yet and seeing what others do always helps!

    • scott says:


      I agree. It’s been nice to have others get into options as well. It’s been fun to see the trades that others are doing. Keep up the good work on your end too.


  7. Great job! Seems like a lot of div investors held KMI. Cool to see you’re boosting it with options income; just be careful! 🙂

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Passive Income Dude. Options have worked well so far. They will definitely remain a small overall portion of my portfolio. I like being long stock way too much!

      Also, I’m having trouble commenting on your site. I like to keep my Google account separate from my blog so I’m trying to use my WordPress ID. I’m logged into it but am getting the error: “Your OpenID credentials could not be verified.” Any chance you could fix this or allow the ability to comment using just a name and a URL? Thanks!


  8. Doug says:

    Awesome month even with the cuts it will go up again then this will seem like a drop in the bucket. cant wait to see Dec.
    Doug recently posted…November DividendsMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks for the comment, Doug. Yeah, December dividends will be great and it will be here before we know it. These months are going by too fast!


  9. Nice month! You are holding onto a lot of AAPL! Not a bad investment, they have so much cash sitting around and generate it like crazy.

    Re-balancing the portfolio will be a part of the journey, as long as you feel good about the decisions, the new income will follow. Cheers to the holidays!
    DividendStacker recently posted…Buy & Sell Transactions UpdateMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Hi DividendStacker,

      Thanks! Yeah, I have accumulated quite a bit of AAPL. I’m hoping they will do good things with a lot of that cash if the taxes rates are lowered so that they can bring some of it back to the US. Happy Holidays to you as well.


  10. Great income, dividends and options. It looks like we have the same GILD put contracts open, I have a lower strike, but all else is the same.
    Options Hunting recently posted…Covered Calls – Realty Income Corp and AT&TMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks! It is looking like I’ll be letting the GILD put get assigned. I’m actually hoping to buy some shares of GILD back around that time because the 30 day timeframe will have passed since I sold GILD for a tax loss. Plus, my cost basis will even be lower than my strike due to the premium received.

  11. Tawcan says:

    Very solid month despite the drop compared to last year. But free money (i.e. money earned without needing to work) is free money. Time to celebrate!
    Tawcan recently posted…Should I sell some stocks now and wait for a market correction?My Profile

  12. $280 is a great income!considering you are trading options and finished up with $723 sounds even greater! Best wishes
    Happy Healthy and Wealthy Girl recently posted…I opened LendingClub accountMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Hi Happy Healthy and Wealthy Girl,

      Yep, options really helped in November. They are starting to make up a substantial portion of my annual income, which is pretty cool to see.


  1. December 12, 2016

    […] Two Investing – $280.57 – Apple (AAPL) kept the dividend strong this month!  And don’t worry, we feel your pain with Kinder Morgan (KMI), you aren’t the only one!  Keep going. […]

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