August 2017 Income

These months are going fast! August, while not usually one of the higher paying months, turned out pretty good this year thanks to excellent dividend payouts from Apple and AT&T. In total I received $448. This is a 60.6% increase from last August.

So far I’ve received $4,125.14 in 2017, a 43% increase compared with last year.

Options: I had one GILD put option expire, bringing in $85.99. I also have two open put options that are set to expire in September.

Symbol Dividend Amount
AAPL $139.17
BMY $27.49
CAT $42.61
HXL $9.40
KKR $26.29
O $12.16
PGX $1.15
RY $36.77
T $152.96

Total dividends for August 2017: $448.00
Total cumulative dividend income for 2017: $4125.14

Forward 12-Month Dividends: $8,674.64
Hourly wage based on 40 hour work week (2087 hrs): $4.16/hour
Hourly wage based on non-stop work (8760 hrs): $0.99/hour

Total option income for August 2017: $85.99
Total cumulative option income for 2017: $651.88

Full disclosure: Long all the above stocks

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19 Responses

  1. DivHut says:

    Another great update as usual. August was pleasantly higher for many fellow DGI gamers especially for a, slow for me, July. You put up an impressive year over gain and are doing great as far as your 2017 totals. Keep up the good work.
    DivHut recently posted…Dividend Income Update August 2017My Profile

  2. Almost cracked the $1 dollar and hour mark for unlimited work. That’s a milestone in itself right? Well done to you! Keep up the excellent work!
    Buy, Hold Long recently posted…End Of FY2017 Report Card – Rating My StocksMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Buy, Hold Long,

      Unlimited work. Wow, that sounds really cool when you phrase it that way. $1 per hour without doing anything will be pretty cool. That’s $24 a day! Sounds a lot more when put that way. Paying more a subscription service that cost $24 a day would sound like a ripoff.


  3. Man that is awesome! Great yr over yr increase in both departments too! Keep er up
    Passivecanadianincome recently posted…August 2017 Passive IncomeMy Profile

  4. Dan says:

    Wow awesome YoY growth! I’m close to 43% average per month for the year and just wrote an article about it. Great job again and thank you for sharing!!

    Passive Income Dude

  5. Amazing month! Love seeing that growth rate and that FAT paycheck from AT&T and Apple. Keep up the great work.

    Dividend Diplomats recently posted…Bert’s August Dividend Income SummaryMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Bert. The paychecks from AT&T and Apple are great. I have some cash available to deploy again this month. Depending on valuation, I may buy some more AT&T. We’ll see.

  6. Wow! Impressive YoY increase. That’s the way to do it. From your list, I only share O with you – a tad surprising given all the dividend payers. I like the supplemental income from the options, too. I look forward to watching your portfolio grow. Thanks for sharing.
    Engineering Dividends recently posted…Monthly Dividend Income (August 2017)My Profile

    • scott says:

      Engineering Dividends, thanks! It is amazing that we only share O. It’s cool that there are so many high quality dividend payers out there. August is one of the lower payout months given how few of my companies pay out now. I’ll have to check out your site and portfolio to see what I’m missing. Take care!

  7. Jay says:

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing your dividend and options income again. The annual and monthly year-over-year growth is impressive and inspiring. Keep it up!
    Jay recently posted…How Much Money Do You Need to Trade for a Living?My Profile

  8. GYM says:

    Wow I really like that you calculated your dividend income like this:

    Hourly wage based on 40 hour work week (2087 hrs): $4.16/hour
    Hourly wage based on non-stop work (8760 hrs): $0.99/hour

    Do you have a target hourly wage with your dividend income?
    GYM recently posted…Pros and Cons of Robo AdvisorsMy Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks for the comment, GYM! I borrowed that idea from some other site, but feel free to borrow it. It really puts things in context. Right now I could buy 1 song on iTunes every hour indefinitely (or at least when songs cost 99 cents!)

      I don’t necessarily have an hourly wage target at the moment. I’ve just finished my medical training and started my official job just over a year ago. My ultimate goal will be to bring in at least $10,000/month on average in dividends. Hopefully even more. Using the $10,000/month estimate, that comes to $57.50 and $13.70/hour for 40 hour work week and non-stop work, respectively. Using a 3% yield, a portfolio of $4 million will bring in $120k per year. I have a long ways to go to get to that level!

      • GYM says:

        @Scott- Hah, that’s awesome 1 song on iTunes every hour indefinitely, that’s a lot of songs. Oh you’ll get there in no time, you should have plenty of cash to deploy into dividends and passive income as a radiologist! 🙂
        GYM recently posted…Foodora ReviewMy Profile

  9. Great month. AAPL and T really pulling though for you. T usually is a big payer for me too when it hits. Just on a smaller scale since I don’t own as many shares. But a 60% YoY increase is awesome! Thanks for sharing.
    Dividend Daze recently posted…Dividend Update – August 2017My Profile

    • scott says:

      Thanks, Dividend Daze. Glad to see we’re both owners of T. I’ve been thinking about adding more. Are you thinking along the same lines or looking elsewhere to put your money?

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