Author: scott


Latest purchases: BMY, CY, DEO, GILD, KKR, VTR

I love the posts where I discuss new purchases because it is so fun to see the annual dividend keep going higher. The latest purchases include a few new stocks and some old players. All pay dividends, though not all have the dividend growth history of a Johnson & Johnson...


January 2017 Income

Wow! January 2017 is done already. Time is just flying! This January I received $156.89, compared with $144.28 in January 2016. This is an increase of only 8.7%. It doesn’t seem like much but it is still much faster than inflation. January has typically been my lowest paying month, and...


2017 Goals

Now that the recap of my 2016 goals is complete, I can get around to discussing goals for 2017. Goals for 2017: 1) Retirement Accounts. As always it is best to invest fully and as early as possible into tax advantaged accounts. This goal is to max out my Roth...


2016 Year-End Performance & Goal Review

Statistics Beginning 2016 Account Value: $158,053.76 Ending 2016 Account Value: $224,302.38 Dividend income in 2016: $4,858.55 Forward 12-month dividends: $5,442.09 Options income in 2016: $1,125.65 Total lifetime dividend income: $14,167.12 Post-tax salary: $120,977.63 Effect of dividend increases: $340.96. This is equivalent to investing just over $11,360 at a 3% yield....


December 2016 Income

Total dividend income for December 2016 was $785.70. This is up 62.5% over the dividend income received in 2015! It is also more money that I received the entire year in 2012. It has been fun to see the portfolio and the dividends get larger and larger. I also received...


Adding to Two Positions I Already Own — AMGN and NSRGY

I’ve been busy with work, vacation, and the holiday season, which has kept me from writing a couple of posts. The great thing, though, is that even though I’ve been busy, my dividend income has kept rolling in. December has always been a great month for dividend income, and I’m...


End of year tax planning for 2016

With the end of the year coming up quickly I decided to sell a couple of companies that I have losses in and buy them back in early January to lock in those losses. Buying back the same stock is possible if you wait over 30 days to buy it...


November 2016 Income

In total, I received $280.57 in dividends for November 2016. Last November I received $391.43, giving me my first rather substantial drop in year-over-year dividends. However, this also factors in the loss of dividend income from Kinder-Morgan, which I have sold, and the decreased dividend of KKR. Also, it doesn’t...


October 2016 Income

October hasn’t been one of my high payout months, yet it still generated $178.99. This is nearly $179 that I didn’t have to work for this month. It is even up 9.3% from last year! And, this amount does not include the Diageo dividend, which I must have just missed...


How I Manage a Put Option — Part 1

This is the first part in a series of posts discussing how I manage a put option. Today’s post discusses what a put option is and several of the factors that work into determining how the premium is determined. When you sell a put option there’s only three things that...