New Purchase: More BHP Billiton

I last purchased BBL at 52.30/share back in November. I thought that price was a good entry point. After I recently got paid, I knew it was going to something that had dropped recently so that I could lower my cost basis. It was a slightly difficult choice between a few of the oil companies that I own, BP and Chevron, or BHP Billiton.

I ultimately picked up additional shares of BBL since it was down in price the most. In fact, it had dropped nearly $10 a share since when I bought it in November.

Since I’m in this investing game for the long-haul and am not interested in turning around quick profits, I decided to purchase 37 shares of BBL at 43.61/share. This is my second purchase of BBL and lowers my cost basis to 50.08 (from 52.30). This purchase adds an additional $91.76 to my annual dividends, bringing BBL’s contribution up to $339.76 (paid semi-annually). My entry dividend yield is 5.59%.

My forward 12-month dividends are now $3,477.34 ($289.78/month). I remain invested in 26 companies.

Company Symbol Shares Price Yield Expected Annual Dividend
BHP Billiton BBL 37 $43.61 5.59% $91.76

Forward 12-Month Dividends: $3,477.34 ($289.78/month).

Full disclosure: Long BBL, BP, CVX

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4 Responses

  1. FerdiS says:

    Good buy! I think this is an excellent entry point, much better than my $50.20 in November. Just a heads-up, you have the old price in your summary stip.

    FerdiS recently posted…Reviewing my 2014 GoalsMy Profile

  2. Hi, scott,

    I bought last week the british ticker (BBL) to diversify in currency. I think this is a good company to invest in.

    Cazadividendos recently posted…Cobro de dividendos en Reino UnidoMy Profile

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